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Top Age 18 April 2014

1Naroditsky, Daniel A (12892910)18CAUSA2632
2Ostrovskiy, Aleksandr (12881112)18NYUSA2535
3Young, Gregory (12888228)18CAUSA2477
4Perez, Robert M (12913092)18FLUSA2461
5Wang, Andrew C (12846588)18MAUSA2351
6Chakraborty, Dipro (12935003)18AZUSA2336
7Rozman, Levy (12879834)18NYUSA2328
Ulrich, Thomas M (13263983)18WIUSA2328
9Altschuler, Jason (12872879)18TXUSA2303
10Chiang, Michael (12852051)18NYUSA2277
11Kogen, Jonathan S (12810919)18ILUSA2266
12Goss, Mel Hunt (12911293)18FLUSA2260
13Mu, Joshua Wang (12820785)18NCUSA2252
14Bowersock, Michael (13416153)18MIUSA2246
15Fabbri, Alexander (13348351)18NYUSA2240
16Bu, Kevin (12913951)18MNUSA2239
17Cooklev, Steven (13302856)18INUSA2231
18Rozovsky, Daniel (12848561)18CAUSA2222
19Nakagawa, Eldon (13735560)18HIUSA2206
20Moon, Ryan Joseph (12910644)18GAUSA2201
21Hughes, Austin A (12925869)18CAUSA2192
22Matlin, Anna R (12876169)18NJUSA2191
23Veech, John R (13666104)18WIUSA2182
24Marcsik, John Michael (12880226)18KYUSA2180
25Alade, Azeez (13471486)18NYUSA2176
26Manchanda, Sameer (12900377)18INUSA2164
27Kim, Tae (13790281)18NYUSA2163
28Su, Dion (12958332)18TXUSA2152
29Vasquez, Simon, Iii (12857760)18TXUSA2149
30Zhou, Kevin L (12890043)18VAUSA2137
31Qi, Eric (13409554)18AZUSA2124
32Rivera, Elkaei (14470201)18CAUSA2119
33Sachs, Derek D (12923946)18WIUSA2104
34Xiao, Ted (12901869)18CAUSA2096
35Kalyan, Suchinder (13493931)18TXUSA2095
36Fauman, Jacob N (12911474)18MAUSA2089
37Xu, Yuhao (13032791)18PAUSA2081
38Feng, Danny (14045756)18NYUSA2080
39Ballantyne, Rochelle (13104890)18NYUSA2077
40Coyne, Theodore (13848228)18NJUSA2067
41Parnon, Calvin Jay (13856920)18ORUSA2066
42Mau, Stephen Li Jian (13477863)18HIUSA2058
43Rubenfeld, David I (12906845)18NYUSA2050
Flynn, Jp (13055678)18NCUSA2050
45Varadaraj, Srikar (13513537)18NYUSA2049
46Shepherd, Duncan (14749466)18ILUSA2048
47Jiang, Tian-Shun Allan (13056274)18NCUSA2040
48Lung, James (12910964)18MAUSA2033
49Luo, Chengliang (12921328)18ILUSA2032
50Koong, Joanne (13136738)18CAUSA2029
Kelley, Deshawn (14113448)18OHUSA2029
52May, Sarah R (12845376)18WAUSA2027
Taylor, Paul Roland (12873381)18GAUSA2027
54Shusterman, Ariel (12905466)18NJUSA2025
55Yeh, Andrew (12909804)18CAUSA2015
56Huang, Kevin (12920451)18OHUSA2013
57Balakrishnan, Naveen Kishore (13479723)18RIUSA2009
58Powell, Grant (13035476)18CTUSA2007
59Linde, Darcy James (12875185)18GAUSA2001
60Wang, Andy C (12951282)18FLUSA1998
Fennessey, Joseph William (14779403)18ILUSA1998
62Aipa, Likeke Sing Lee (13435278)18HIUSA1991
63Pansari, Meghesh (13740046)18NYUSA1986
64Kitapszyan, Boris Phillip (12821146)18CAUSA1985
65Korobov, David (12900071)18ILUSA1980
66Fenger, Peter J (12922418)18AZUSA1979
67Du, Alan Y (12917227)18OHUSA1977
68Nesham, William (13135370)18MOUSA1970
69Chinchwadkar, Ojas (12854991)18CAUSA1967
Wood, Jordan Britt (13109503)18NCUSA1967
71Lin, Kenny (12988656)18OKUSA1966
72Zhu, Joshua (12883666)18AZUSA1965
73Zimmermann, Troy Joseph (13605802)18WIUSA1947
74Christianson, Ryan B (12910437)18GAUSA1944
75Hidalgo, Jonathan (13597796)18NYUSA1938
76Dokken, Michael K (12916851)18MNUSA1937
77Liang, Justin (12933609)18TXUSA1936
78Swan, Charles (13477423)18ILUSA1933
79Saito, Kaita Alexander (13602802)18FLUSA1926
80Tootle, Timothy Ryan (12917182)18INUSA1923
81Banta, Jeremy E (13740073)18GAUSA1915
82Fregeau, Harrison (13220347)18NHUSA1913
83Feldman, Nathan (14964343)18MDUSA1907
84Casteel, Jerry John, Iii (13408545)18SDUSA1905
85Yopp, Robin (12896542)18NCUSA1904
86Jain, Shaurya (13893712)18CAUSA1902
87Donze, Jonah (12880215)18KYUSA1899
88Yue, Bryan (12911731)18WAUSA1896
89Roulhac, Kevin N (13781052)18NYUSA1894
90Madden, Kerrigan (14898470)18CAUSA1890
91Hung, Anthony (13051544)18CAUSA1886
92Paykin, David (13214695)18ILUSA1883
93Neumann, Elijah (14705074)18SCUSA1875
94Martis, Tyler Jon (13076791)18AZUSA1872
95Talayko, Edgar (14811933)18ILUSA1866
96Sharpe, Trevor Allen (14125490)18TNUSA1860
97Nandy, Arjun Shastid (13145768)18ILUSA1857
98Wu, Christopher Y (12821410)18CAUSA1856
99Kennedy, Sammy R (12805767)18CAUSA1854
Noden, Eric C (21022252)18NCUSA1854
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
